My Other Items

Click on cleaver photos to enlarge.
Huge old Navy cleaver. Supposedly made from an old wrench. The heavy cleaver has a Naval anchor stamped in it, below left, and the other stamp, below right, has the legible words "extra tool steel Toledo Ohio" in it,
and the #7 stamped just below the maker's mark.

United States.

United States.
United States.

United States.
United States.

meat cleaver.
Handmade knife made
by my father Dale Detrich.

Hand forged small
hatchet was owned by
my great Grandfather.
Small, light cleaver made by a Fremont, Ohio company no longer in business.

Above, a cleaver from my town of
Fremont, Ohio, given to me by a friend,
Tim Grayson. The Hollinger Cutlery Co.
of Fremont, Ohio, stamp in photo at left, made a complete line of butcher knives, shears, razors strops, shaving brushes, steels, silverware, pocket knives, hair clippers, screw drivers, pliers, manicure goods, etc. The Hollinger Cutlery Co. claims much for the quality of its butcher knife line, pointing out that every knife, before it passes through the tempering room must stand the "Hollinger" test before any further procedure is taken.
The business was incorporated in March, 1907, with a capital of $50,000.

United States.
